Special Meal Requirements飛機上的特別餐
A. Vegetarian meals
1. VLML Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo Meal 一般素食餐
Western vegetarian style with dairy and egg product.
2. VGML Vegetarian Vegan Meal 嚴格素食餐
Strict western vegetarian meal exclude dairy and egg product.
3. VOML Vegetarian Oriental Meal 東方素食餐
Oriental style vegetarian, exclude egg and dairy products. Prohibit to ginger, garlic, onion and scallion.
4. AVML Asian Vegetarian Meal 亞洲素食餐
This is a vegetarian meal flavoured with spices from the Indian sub-continent.
5. RVML Raw Vegetable Meal 生菜水果餐
A mixture of fresh raw vegetables and fruits.
6. FPML Fruit Platter Meal水果餐
This meal only contains seasonal fresh fruit.
B. Religious meals
1. MOML Moslem Meal穆斯林餐
Meal prepared according to Islamic custom. No pork or related product, gelatin or any kind of alcohol.
2. KSML Kosher Meal 猶太餐
Meal prepared under Jewish dietary law.
3. HNML Hindu Non-Vegetarian Meal 印度餐
Indian-style meal prepared according to Hindu customs that contains no beef, pork or related products, raw fish or smoked fish.
4. VJML Vegetarian Jain Meal 耆那教餐
Meal prepared in Indian style according to Jain custom, prohibit to root or bulbous vegetables.
C. Young traveler meals
1. BBML Baby Meal嬰兒餐
4~6 month baby provide fruit puree jar and bottled juice. 6~24 month baby provide food puree jar and bottled juice.
2. CHML Child Meal兒童餐
Meal suitable for 2 years old to 8 years old child.
D. Health Care meals
1. BLML Bland Meal 無刺激性餐
Meal prepared for passenger who suffered from stomach/intestinal problems. Avoid irritating food, no fry or highly seasoned food, alcohol and caffeinated.
2. DBML Diabetic Meal 糖尿病餐
Meal designed for diabetic passengers, and meals are low fat, low sugar, high fiber and low salt.
3. LSML Low Salt Meal 低鹽餐
Meal design for passengers who follows sodium restricted diet.
4. LFML Low Fat Meal 低脂餐
Meal designed for passengers who follow a fat-restricted diet and meals are low fat, low cholesterol and high fiber and avoid use of fried foods or oil.
5. LCML Low Calorie Meal 低熱量餐
Meal designed for passengers who follow a calorie-restricted diet and meals are low fat and high fiber and avoid use of fried foods or sugar products.
6. NLML Non Lactose Meal 低乳糖餐
Meal designed for lactose intolerant or allergic to dairy products.
7. GFML Gluten-Free Meal無麩質餐
Meal designed for gluten intolerant passengers, exclude wheat, barley, rye, oats and flour-based products.
8. HFML High fiber meal 高纖維餐
E. Other
1. SFML Seafood Meal 海鮮餐
This meal contains only seafood, including fish.